IT Jobs

Want to create the best digital customer experiences on the market?

Did you know that our professional environment consists of over 270 committed colleagues working on the very latest technology?  Among other things, we work with digitalisation of products and services, design, Robotics & AI, integration and process automation and business development. We are both developing new solutions and working to improve the ones we already have. In addition, we aim to have the most engaged technology employees in the industry!

At Gjensidige, we will ensure that we have the best digital customer and automation solutions on the market. The insurance market is constantly changing, and customers are making new demands on insurance and services. Therefore, digitalisation and good technological solutions are a major priority area for us.

You want to join the team?

Look ahead. Create values. Become one of us.

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Data Engineer
Data Engineer OSLO, NO, 0191
OSLO, NO, 0191
Sikkerhetsanalytiker OSLO, NO, 0191
OSLO, NO, 0191